Series: Astro

Astro is an amazing static site generator (also has server side rendering) that is fast, flexible, and developer-friendly. It's a great choice for building static sites, blogs, customer service portals, customer documentation, and more.

Getting Started

A great place to start if you're new to Astro. Here you'll find information about Astro, how to get started, and how to build your first site.

External Resources:

  1. Astro Documentation - Guides, resources, and API references to help you build with Astro.

Azure Static Web Apps

Building and deploying static web apps with Azure Static Web Apps.

External Resources:

  1. What is Azure Static Web Apps? - Microsoft documentation on Azure Static Web Apps.
  2. Static Web Apps CLI - All-in-One Local Development Tool For Azure Static Web Apps


Integrating Astro with other services, such as Microsoft Entra.